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Sítúra Bachledkában

Ön sítúra rajongó? Az elmúlt években nagy népszerűségnek örvendő sportágat Bachledkán is lehet űzni. Az üdülőhelyen jelenleg egy sárga jelzéssel ellátott emelkedő található, amely a Bachledova völgyből vezet, a La Gamba Aprés Ski étteremtől indul és a Szepes-Magura tetején, a Fakorona sétány közelében ér véget, a visszaút pedig a Bachledka I sípályán keresztül.

Az útvonal teljes hossza 2 km, 254 m szintemelkedéssel. A mászás körülbelül 1 órát vesz igénybe. Az útvonal egy ideig a pálya szélén halad, és többnyire a pályán kívül.

Kérjük, tartsa be az alább felsorolt ​​szabályokat, és kellemes időtöltést kívánunk üdülőhelyünkön.



A Bachledka-i sítúrák szabályai

Dear ski tourers!

Welcome to the BACHLEDKA Ski & Sun ski resort. Please don´t forget that by entering a ski slope you are becoming a guest of the ski resort, where using of ski slopes is governed by rules of operation that must be respected. The rules of operation you can find in the Info office and also on the website: www.bachledka.sk.

Trekking on ski slopes is at your own risk. Ski slopes are designated mainly for skiers and snowboarders who use cable cars, chairlifts and ski lifts. To avoid collisions and accidents, please read the Rules for ski tourers on ski slopes and responsibly evaluate your experience and equipment.


Ski touring can be performed: from the beginning of the ski season to the end of the ski season

between 09:00 am and 04:00 pm.


PLEASE NOTE: THE SKI SLOPES ARE CLOSED from the beginning of the ski season to the end of the ski season from 04:00 pm to 09:00 am! There is a high risk of injury caused by (winch) cables of snow makers and snow groomers on the slope!


The movement of visitors outside the resort opening hours on the ski slopes is strictly prohibited.





  1. When trekking up the slope, always follow the marked ascent route (marked with a yellow line on

maps and with yellow piste markers in the terrain).

  1. When trekking up the slope, always use the edge of the ski slope, behind the boundary line of the slope which is marked with piste marker poles.
  2. Trekking up outside the marked route is strictly prohibited due to high risk of accident.
  3. Pay special attention to skiers on the slope. In the case of crossing the slope, always put skiers on the slope first.
  4. When trekking uphill, walk in lines (not next to each other).
  5. Pay special attention to terrain horizons and edges, narrow parts, steep slopes, ice,

crossings of ski slopes and other areas with a high risk of collision with skiers.

  1. Cross the ski slope only in marked areas, keep appropriate distance.
  2. Don´t enter the ski slopes or their parts witch are closed. Follow all signs and instructions of the staff at cableways and on the ski slopes.
  3. Don´t enter the slopes outside the official opening hours.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to take dogs on the ski slopes.
  5. The ski touring routes are located in the territory of the Tatra National Park and the Pieniny National Park. That is why all visitors of this area are obliged to respect the park rules and instructions of the Mountain Rescue Service.
  6. The trekking up is at your own risk.
  7. Follow the Rules on the Slopes (The white codex).
  8. Pay attention to the weather and warnings of the Mountain Rescue Service and follow its recommendations.
  9. The BACHLEDKA Ski & Sun resort does not take any responsibility for possible damage and harm to health caused by the visitor’s carelessness, imprudence and breaking the Rules for ski tourers and the Rules of the ski resort.


By using areas designated for ski touring, every ski tourer undertakes to follow these rules and instructions of the authorised staff. If any of these rules are violated, authorised staff members are

entitled to instruct the respective ski tourer(s) and ask them to respect the rules. If any rules are violated seriously and repeatedly, authorised staff members are entitled to prevent the respective ski

tourer(s) from using the areas designated for ski touring.

Have a safe trek and enjoy nice moments and sports performance in the beautiful BACHLEDKA Ski & Sun environment.

The ascent route is marked with yellow colour. Please follow the marked ski touring route.!!


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