A lighter wooden sledge about 1.7 metres long, pulled by a horse, which was mainly used for transporting manure to the fields in winter. A removable pole, the so-called ‘throttle’, was attached to one side of the sledge by hoops, to which the horse was harnessed. Solid ash was used in the manufacture, and the legs were so-called ‘curves’ (crooked ash trees), banded from below with iron bands. The bottoms of the “gnotky” were boarded, and there were also removable side boards and a front board about 30 cm wide. It was often customary to have a rear removable board on the “gnotky”. At the front, the householder put another board across the top of the side boards, which he sat on while driving.
“Gnotky” were also used for driving to the store, to the family or for transporting various smaller loads (potatoes, pigs, groceries, etc.). In the second half of the 20th century, home-made “gnocky” with iron construction began to be made. The throttle could also be mounted in the middle of the wicker (for two horses). In Ždiar, some householders (those who have horses) still use such “gnotky” (even as a tourist attraction for driving tourists).
Processed by: Jozef Bachleda